Simple Summer Safety


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Simple Summer Safety

Summertime is synonymous with freedom. The kids are out of school, the vacations are abundant and the days feel longer with the sun settling late in the evening, leaving more time after work to partake in those fun summer activities. However, there are a lot of safety concerns to consider when planning a summer outing or supervising your children in the summertime.

Summer Camp

Summer camp is a rite of passage for many children and teenagers these days. When selecting a camp, it is important to review it for proper safety certifications and to develop some sort of relationship with the owners and counselors who will be supervising:

Is the staff first aid certified?

Do lifeguards watch over the children as they participate in water activities?

What is the counselor to kid ratio?

Where is the closest hospital?

How do they handle food allergies?

How are the counselors trained and how frequently?

How do they hire their staff? Are background checks part of the process?

How does the staff handle issues such as special needs children, homesickness, injury, illness, etc.?

Backyard Barbeques

Backyard barbeques are a very popular weekend activity across the country on sunny weekends. Here, kids and parents alike can enjoy a fun time filled with food and friends. However, there are many aspects of a BBQ that need to be considered when analyzing safety:

Bounce Houses

There have been many accidents lately concerning children and bounce houses. An example is the bounce house in South Carolina that tipped over at an elementary school. Many children were injured, some even having to go to the hospital. Parents should always keep an eye on their children when they are in the bounce house, and those who hire the bounce house should check their safety certification and records, and get references if possible. The bounce house should also be properly staffed by at least two or three professionals from the company.

Barbeque Grills

We all love a good burger or hot dog fresh off the grill, but a barbeque is one of the most dangerous cooking devices we may encounter this summer. It never hurts to refresh yourself on the best grill safety tips, so here are a few to consider from the American Red Cross:

  • Never grill indoors, or in a closed in space. Do it out in the open.
  • Thoroughly read the owner’s manual so you know exactly how to operate the grill.
  • Never leave the grill unsupervised or let children near it.
  • Kepp all flammable things away from a grill at all times.
  • Use long-handled tools when grilling to keep body parts as far away from the heat as possible.
  • Never add starter fluid after the coals have ignited.
  • Keep a fireproof pan under the grill to catch the grease and ashes.
  • Keep the grill lid nearby so you can always close it if necessary.

Water Safety

If a child is going to go swimming, it is important that they take Red Cross-certified swim lessons first. Even with supervision, a child may get scared or unable to keep his/her head above water and an untrained professional that is not a lifeguard may prove to be little help. Some other tips include:

  • Only swim in an area that is protected by a lifeguard. This goes for the pool and the ocean.
  • Never swim on your own, always bring a buddy along that can hold you accountable and know your whereabouts.
  • Teach children to ask permission every time they go in the water.
  • When boating, young children & inexperienced swimmers should always wear a proper, certified lifejacket.

We all know that summertime is fun, but by taking the proper precautions, we can ensure a safe summer.

Call the Law Office of Richard M. Kenny if you are involved in any sort of summertime recreation accident or injury to get an expert opinion on what your options may be.

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Car Accident Lawyer


Whether you need a car accident lawyer, slip and fall lawyer or legal representation for any type of accident, the NYC personal injury lawyers at The Law Office of Richard M. Kenny can help. Located in New York City, we've helped thousands of individuals throughout the Bronx, Brooklyn (Kings County), Manhattan, Queens and Nassau County recover the compensation they need to receive proper medical care, treatment and quality of life after serious injury.


If you've been injured due to the negligence or wrong-doing of another, we can provide you and your loved ones with the legal support needed to ensure proper medical attention, long-term treatment and fair, reasonable financial compensation is received for your personal injury. The initial consultation is always free. For immediate assistance, call (212) 421-0300.

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