The Fourth of July is a special day in our nation’s history, and to celebrate, we have cookouts, pool parties and more. It is a day where we spend time with our closest friends and family, and it usually comes to a close with vibrant, colorful fireworks displays nationwide. Fireworks on the Fourth of July is a tradition that many Americans hold near and dear to their hearts. This is why it is so important you read more about how to ensure your fireworks display is as safe as possible. If everyone practices the safe usage of fireworks, then everyone can continue to enjoy the classic American tradition, as intended. However, if you find yourself involved in a fireworks accident, then it is important that you know whether or not you qualify for compensation.
What are some of the biggest causes of fireworks accidents?
Usually, if someone sustains injuries during a Fourth of July celebration, there is a good chance one or more parties could be held responsible. If injured, you may qualify for compensation if someone:
- Ignited fireworks in the house
- Pointed or threw a firework at you
- Did not check to see if you were a safe distance away before igniting a firework
- Was under the influence of drugs or alcohol at the time of firework ignition
- Bought professional-grade fireworks for an amateur backyard display
- Was lighting more than one firework at a time
How do I know if I am entitled to compensation following a fireworks accident?
In order to recover compensation following a fireworks accident, you are required to first prove that their negligence is the cause of your suffering. If you are able to prove that the other party did not take one or any of the necessary precautions before lighting fireworks, then you will most likely satisfy the burden of proof in your case.
Is there anything I can do to help prove my case?
Thankfully, there is. The first thing you should do if you were involved in a fireworks accident is to capture it on film, if possible. If you cannot take a picture or video because the incident happened too quickly, then look around–since it is the Fourth of July, lots of people will be recording videos on their phones, so it is important you check if anyone present caught the incident on film, or at least witnessed it themselves. It is also important you seek a medical professional immediately after the accident, as burns and other ailments sometimes need treatment as soon as possible. The medical documentation of the incident may also help you win your case in court. The compensation you receive may cover your medical bills, lost wages, in-home care and more, so it is important you speak with an experienced attorney who will tenaciously fight to recover your compensation.
Contact our New York firm
Our entire legal team is dedicated to providing the advice you need and the personalized attention you deserve. Call 212-421-0300 or fill out our contact form to schedule a free consultation with a New York City personal injury lawyer.