Who Is Responsible If I’m Injured in My NYC Apartment?


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Who Is Responsible If I’m Injured in My NYC Apartment?

Few things are worse than sustaining an injury in your own home. Unfortunately for the millions of people who rent here in New York City, landlords don’t always fulfill their obligations to tenants in terms of ensuring their living spaces are safe. That said, if you were recently injured in an apartment accident due to no fault of own, you should strongly consider reaching out to a seasoned New York City personal injury lawyer from the Law Office of Richard M. Kenny who can fight for the full and fair compensation to which you are entitled. Here are some of the questions you may have about apartment accidents and how we can help if you’ve been injured in one:

Do I qualify for compensation if I was injured in my apartment?

It depends. If you believe you were injured in your apartment due to dangerous property conditions that your landlord either knew or should have reasonably known about, you may very well qualify for financial compensation in a personal injury claim. Some of the most common apartment hazards that our firm sees are as follows:

  • Failure to remove weather-related hazards, such as snow or ice
  • Dangerous stairwells
  • Unsafe elevators
  • Unsafe balconies
  • Fire hazards
  • Failure to install working smoke or carbon monoxide detectors
  • Loose floorboards
  • Dangerous apartment complex parking lots
  • Dangerous apartment complex amenities, such as playgrounds
  • Inadequate lighting or security in apartment complexes

After an apartment accident, you should do what you can to document exactly how the accident occurred. This can include:

  • Taking pictures
  • Getting witness contact information
  • Retrieving surveillance footage
  • Seeking medical attention and keeping copies of documentation
  • Filing a police report of the accident

How long will I have to file a premises liability claim in New York State?

In most cases, the statute of limitations for premises liability claims in New York State is three years. If you wait longer than three years, you’ll most likely be permanently barred from suing. Pick up the phone and give us a call or contact us online today so we can get started fighting for the full and fair compensation to which you are entitled.


Our entire legal team is dedicated to providing the advice you need and the personalized attention you deserve. If you have been injured due to another party’s negligence, call 866-886-0892 or fill out our contact form to schedule a free consultation with a New York City personal injury lawyer. You may be entitled to financial compensation, which can help you on your road to recovery.

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Trial Lawyers University
Car Accident Lawyer


Whether you need a car accident lawyer, slip and fall lawyer or legal representation for any type of accident, the NYC personal injury lawyers at The Law Office of Richard M. Kenny can help. Located in New York City, we've helped thousands of individuals throughout the Bronx, Brooklyn (Kings County), Manhattan, Queens and Nassau County recover the compensation they need to receive proper medical care, treatment and quality of life after serious injury.


If you've been injured due to the negligence or wrong-doing of another, we can provide you and your loved ones with the legal support needed to ensure proper medical attention, long-term treatment and fair, reasonable financial compensation is received for your personal injury. The initial consultation is always free. For immediate assistance, call (212) 421-0300.

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