We trust daycares with our children, and though most daycares treat and take care of our children as we would, the unfortunate reality is that this is not always the case. Daycares are negligent with our children more often than you may think, and if you believe that your child was wrongfully injured or harmed at his or her daycare, you are most likely now looking to hold that daycare accountable. Our Queens personal injury lawyer is here to help. Read on and reach out to our firm to learn more about daycare accidents in Queens and how we can assist you through every step of the claims process ahead in pursuit of the justice you and your child deserve. Here are some of the questions you may have:
What is a daycare liability clause and do I have to sign one?
When parents sign their children up for daycare, the daycare often tries to get the parent to sign a form called a daycare liability clause. Essentially, this form is designed to waive your right to take legal action against the daycare, should anything happen to your child while he or she was staying at the daycare. You do not have to sign this document by law. Additionally, even if you already signed a daycare liability clause and your child was recently hurt due to daycare negligence, you can still take legal action against your daycare.
What are some of the most common daycare accidents?
As you know, kids will be kids, and sometimes, they fall down or are hurt simply while playing or interacting with other kids. To a certain degree, this is unpreventable. However, there is a fine line between an unpreventable accident and a preventable one, and daycares are responsible for taking various actions to ensure the safety of the children who stay there. For example, daycares must never leave choking hazards such as paper clips lying about. They should also store all cleaning products away so children do not accidentally drink them. Daycares must also ensure that all playground equipment is safe for use. Daycares should also regularly sanitize and clean their premises, as well as ensure that the water and air conditions are satisfactory. When they fail to take these preventative actions, children may sustain serious injuries as a result. If you suspect that your child has been injured or harmed due to neglect or abuse at your daycare, give us a call today. We are ready to fight for you and your child’s right to compensation.
Our entire legal team is dedicated to providing the advice you need and the personalized attention you deserve. If you have been injured due to another party’s negligence, call 212-421-0300 or fill out our contact form to schedule a free consultation with a New York City personal injury lawyer. You may be entitled to financial compensation, which can help you on your road to recovery.