Although our pets can be lovable, they may not be as kind to others. Our dogs become accustomed to seeing us every day. They get into a routine of eating at a certain time and going on walks throughout the day. Your dog can also pick up on behavioral patterns. If they are acting out aggressively and you encourage it, this may cause them to adopt this pattern of behavior. It is important to train your dogs to be gentle to other people that may be around or to limit contact with other individuals. If you find yourself in a situation where you are a victim of a dog bite, you may be able to seek liability of the dog’s owner. The dog’s owner can be held responsible for their dog’s aggressive behavior and the harm that their dog caused to you.
When a dog is known to have a history of aggressive behavior that includes dog bites and attacks, this can be used when building your case against the dog and their owner. With a history of bad behavior, the dog owner should have known or reasonably known about their dog’s inclination to act aggressively. If dogs are raised to be vicious, it can have negative consequences on any in the surrounding neighborhood. The dog may attack those around them and cause harm to someone. If you have been bitten by a dog, you may be able to pursue legal action against their owner by filing a lawsuit. Dog owners are held responsible for their dog’s behavior when it harms another individual.
What if the attack was the victim’s fault?
Dogs can be territorial at times. They may also be protective of their family and those that they have come in contact with often. When an owner takes precautions against dog attacks, it may be difficult for you to build a case. If the dog was leashed or own its own property, this may show that the owner was taken the right steps to make sure the dog was behaving. If the victim is antagonizing the dog, then it may not be proven that the owner was acting negligently. It may show that the dog was aggravated to act in an aggressive way that caused the victim to be injured. Also, by trespassing on an individual’s property where the dog is leashed and somehow restrained, it may also be harder for the victim to place the liability on the owner. If the victim is somehow responsible due to behavior that antagonized the dog or an attempt to commit a crime, then they may not be able to prove liability on behalf of the owner.
Our entire legal team is dedicated to providing the advice you need and the personalized attention you deserve. Call 212-421-0300 or fill out our contact form to schedule a free consultation with a New York City personal injury lawyer.