Can a defective product lead to a lawsuit?
In our everyday lives, we are constantly buying new items that we need or items that we simply want. Whether these items are a necessity or a luxury, they can cause accidents to happen. If a child is given a new toy that was made with a defect, this toy can be harmful. This can lead[...]
3 FAQs About Brain Injuries Caused by Drunk Drivers
If you sustained brain damage in a motor vehicle collision, you may already know that treating head trauma and coping with its symptoms can be both traumatic and expensive. Depending on the circumstances, though, you may be entitled to compensation for all the costs you incur due to the accident, including medical bills and lost income.[...]
Can nursing home abusers be held accountable?
In nursing homes, residents can be taken advantage of. These individuals may need this assisted living facility because they are unable to live alone. This can be due to physical limitations or mental limitations where they are unable to care for themselves. By living in these homes, they can be taken care of by employees who[...]
What If My Pain After a Car Accident Was Delayed?
Car accidents are a leading cause of unintentional injuries in the United States. In 2015 alone, more than 2 million people were hurt in motor-vehicle collisions. For many of these victims, the symptoms of their injuries weren’t immediately apparent. If you were hurt in a crash but your symptoms were latent, it’s important that you visit[...]
How do I pursue a product liability case?
Online shopping has made it easier than ever to buy items that we want. With only a few clicks on the internet, we can have a new item delivered to our front door in just a few days. This can be efficient since it saves us the time we would waste going to the store and[...]
What kind of birth injuries can my child face?
Childbirth is a process that parents prepare for throughout pregnancy. While parents are preparing, they have an image of a healthy baby. With updated technology these days, doctors can spot abnormalities with a fetus during the pregnancy. This can help them prepare for childbirth in advance so that unexpected circumstances are now part of the expected.[...]