Can I seek compensation for an injury from a mass transit accident?
In New York, there are many options available for mass transit. The city has different travel options, such as subways and trains. There are ferry boats available to get people across the river. The state has many available transportation options for individuals to use in order to get from place to place. This allows people to[...]
What are some car accidents to acquire legal counsel for?
Head-on collisions can occur when one car is traveling the wrong way on the road. These accidents can lead to devastating consequences. In order to determine who is at fault for the accident, there should be an investigation into how the accident was caused to happen this way. Multi-vehicle pile-ups can include more than two motor[...]
When Are Punitive Damages Recoverable in New York?
Civil litigation aims to compensate those who have been wronged by others. Criminal litigation, on the other hand, is designed to punish wrongdoers. In certain circumstances, though, both objectives apply, and civil suit plaintiffs may recover punitive damages in addition to the standard compensatory award. Instead of reimbursing the claimant for economic and non-economic losses, punitive[...]
How do I prove premises liability?
Premises liability is a term that can be used to describe the responsibility of a certain party for someone else’s accident. These kinds of cases can most often be seen in slip and fall accidents. If someone is involved in a slip and fall accident where they are injured on a commercial property, they may wish[...]
How can I deal with nursing home abuse?
When we are younger, our parents must take on the responsibility of taking care of us. As we get older, our parents get older too. This is when a switch happens. We now must take care of our parents. Sometimes it is too unrealistic for individuals to take care of their parents depending on their job,[...]
5 Reasons to Hire a Skilled Medical Malpractice Attorney
5 Reasons to Hire a Skilled Medical Malpractice Attorney Doctors, nurses, and other medical professionals must undergo years of education and ongoing training to ensure they are able to provide the best care possible. Despite these requirements, medical errors are a leading cause of death in the United States. According to The Washington Post, researchers at[...]