Stages of a Personal Injury Lawsuit
If you are injured in any type of accident, you may be able to recover damages in a personal injury lawsuit. This type of lawsuit can allow a person to recover money for the cost of medical care, rehabilitative costs, property damage, as well as emotional distress or pain and suffering. Personal injury lawsuits can take[...]
Car Accident Settlements: Public record or Confidential?
If you are considering taking legal action for injuries that you sustained in a car accident, you probably have a ton of questions about the legal process and your potential lawsuit. One of the things that you might be wondering is whether or not your car accident settlement will be public record. Rightfully so, many people[...]
Understanding Product Liability
What is Product Liability? If you or a loved was injured as a result of a faulty, defective, or poorly manufactured produced, you may have a product liability claim. Products that fail to live up to their claims about performance, effectiveness, or general use, may be subjects of product liability claims. In a product liability claim,[...]
Drowsy Driving: Know the Dangers
Everyone is aware of the tremendous danger involved with distracted driving and drunk driving However, but less attention is given to the equally risky practice of driving while fatigued, or drowsy driving. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration(NHTSA), approximately 83,000 crashes are caused by drowsy or fatigued driving in the U.S. every year. Here are[...]
Nursing Home Abuse & Neglect: How to Spot the Tale-Tell Signs
The Reality of Nursing Home Abuse When we are forced to make the ultimate decision to put our loved one in a nursing home, we do so with the sole intention to make sure they are taken care of. Nursing homes should offer our loved ones a sense of protection and safety, and allow them to[...]
Pedestrian Dangers with Quiet Electric and Hybrid Cars
I recently took a ride in a friend's Toyota Prius in New York City and I noticed as the vehicle backed up there was a beeping sound from inside the car. That made me wonder, 'Why is the beeping sound inside of the vehicle? Shouldn't the sound come from the outside of the quiet hybrid car[...]