What is a Special Focus Facility nursing home?
If you or a loved one is in a nursing home in New York that receives Medicare or Medicaid funding, it must pass surveys and inspections by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services approximately once each year. According to CMS, a facility that has significant deficiencies may not automatically be penalized or closed, but it[...]
What to do after a hit and run
Hit and run accidents can be the most frustrating to deal with, simply because of the unfortunate consequences and problematic results. If someone crashes into your vehicle, you're counting on them to do the right thing: leave a note, find you or provide you with the insurance information necessary in allowing you to recover your damages. However,[...]
What You Should Know About Drunk Driving
The holidays are a time filled with celebration and revelry with family and friends. Drinking is often commonplace at holiday festivities and its common knowledge that drinking and driving is illegal and extremely dangerous. Before you get behind the wheel this holiday season, here is some information you need to know about drinking and driving. Using[...]
Winter means Ski Season in New York
It's almost winter and that means it's almost ski season for many snow lovers all around the country. Here in New York State, we are lucky to have a number of world class ski mountains and resorts within driving distance of New York City which are perfect for weekend getaways to escape the city and make use of this cold[...]