Childbirth is a process that parents prepare for throughout pregnancy. While parents are preparing, they have an image of a healthy baby. With updated technology these days, doctors can spot abnormalities with a fetus during the pregnancy. This can help them prepare for childbirth in advance so that unexpected circumstances are now part of the expected. Unfortunately, birth injuries can still happen if medical professionals are not acting in the best way possible. If a doctor is negligent during childbirth, it can lead to birth injuries present within a newborn. This birth injury may affect them for the rest of their life. Birth injuries can refer to a wide range of injuries that can result from the miracle of life. These can include Erb’s palsy, cerebral palsy, facial paralysis, spinal cord injuries and more. When negligence is involved in the birth of a newborn, it can result in brain damage caused by vacuum extractor misuse and forceps misuse or brachial plexus injuries caused by excessive force when handling shoulder dystocia. The possibilities of injuries can greatly affect the life of a newborn.
How do I hold the doctor responsible?
When we are sick or in need of medical advice, we put our trust in medical professionals to give us the best treatment possible. They have the education needed to inform us of certain conditions that we need to acquire treatment for and to provide more information on our condition. Our first instinct when we aren’t feeling well is to make an appointment with our doctor to understand why. Although this means we highly respect them, it is difficult to overlook an error made by a healthcare professional when it affects the health of our loved ones. Medical professionals can be held accountable for these negligent errors. If negligence played a role in a birth injury, you can compile information to prove your case. As a parent, we understand your instinct to protect your child. When your child has suffered a birth injury, you can file a lawsuit to seek liability. Our attorneys can help build your case and provide you with the representation you need. This can help to get you compensated for the medical bills that have accumulated from your child’s birth injury.
Our entire legal team is dedicated to providing the advice you need and the personalized attention you deserve. Call 212-421-0300 or fill out our contact form to schedule a free consultation with a New York City personal injury lawyer.